Extensive track record in transformation during complex, challenging and uncertain situations

To drive profitable growth

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“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”


A Passion for Growth

Jim Stevenson founded Bletchley Group as a digital business consultancy in 2000.

Named Bletchley from Bletchley Park, home of the 1940s code-breaking organisation which created the world’s first ‘programmable computer to meet the challenge of breaking the Enigma code and Group to represent a collaboration of world-class talented individuals.

Back then, inspired by the code-breakers, the principle of using digital technology to meet clients’ business challenges - rather than just for the sake of it was a core principle.

Bletchley Group has evolved over the years, but, today, that principle remains the same, bringing together world-class talent with a singular focus on meeting clients business needs.

Today, Bletchley Group brings twenty years’ experience in leadership, strategy, commercial, organisation design, product development, marketing, innovation, data, and tech to maximise value creation.